Key Herbs and Herbal Mixes
Herbs provide good summer/autumn feed. In most of the UK they have a lower total yield than Perennial Ryegrass, but have a different growth pattern, increasing production especially in dry seasons like 2018. Herbs can be grown alone but are normally sown in mixtures with grass and clovers.
Herbs greatly enhance the trace element profile in the herbage. Pastures with high herb density can be used as 'Tonic Pastures' to revive poor stock. Chicory and Plantain are particularly reliable, deep rooted and drought tolerant. Both species have very good mineral profiles and Chicory is also reported to have some anthelmintic properties.
Our herbal grazing mixtures differ from many competitor products because they contain a significant amount of grass. This helps keep a dense base in the predominantly herb and clover rich sward, reducing ingress of weeds, extending the grazing season and broadening the nutrient profile of the sward.
These mixtures contain very find seed and should only be shallow drilled into very fine firm seedbeds.
Herbal Boost
Upgrade any grass mixtures with key herb species.
White Herbal Grazing Mix

4 -5 year herbal grazing blend for dairy, beef and sheep
Red Herbal Grazing Mix
3 year herbal grazing mix for lamb finishing.

Forage Plantain and is a particularly useful source of Selenium and naturally occurs in the UK.
Puna II/Endure Chicory Blend

Forage Chicory with vigorous establishment and highly adaptable.