Ultra-Bite II Herbal
5 year+ high intake cattle grazing mixture + Plantain & Chicory
A version of Ultra-Bite II high intake cattle grazing mixture with added Boston Plantain and Puna II/Endure Chicory. Both enhance drought tolerance and improve mineral availability in the pasture. The deep rooted herbs mop up nutrients at risk of leaching to groundwater and potentially improve the soil’s biological activity and water infiltration.
Persistence of Plantain & Chicory enhanced by rotational grazing.
Organic Available
High palatability, long season growth with extra mid-season yield
Clovers selected to tolerate intensive grazing and high fertility
Crown Rust resistance enhanced by Caleo and Delika
Improved Drechslera resistance
Good winter hardiness
Surplus production can make excellent quality silage
Pack Size
14.5 kg
Seed Rate |
14.0 kg/acre
35.8 kg/ha