SW7 Stewardship Arable Reversion Mixtures
This option is linked to Catchment Sensitive Farming and is designed to produce dense grass swards in arable fields at risk of soil erosion or surface runoff. It will stabilise the soil, reduce nutrient losses, and buffer sensitive habitats, such as designated aquatic habitats. It will also reduce surface runoff, which may help to reduce the risk of flooding.
Mix Options: The specification from Natural England allows for significant scope for choice of grass mixtures, but it is important to select species which are both productive and palatable under low input management and where all the components of the mix will last for the planned duration of the pasture. The clovers both fix N, but also provide drought tolerance and are an excellent nectar source for insects.
Of the mixtures below, Eco-Meadow, is based around the latest genetics and designed to give maximum field performance. Border Arable Reversion is very similar but using older technology. Both are designed to last for many years and can be grazed and cut for high quality hay or silage. If the field is primarily for grazing GS4 Eco-Pasture may also be considered. Special mixtures can be formulated, if required.