GFTE Herbal Grazer
2-5 Year ‘Legume & Herb Rich Sward’
The GFTE Herbal Grazer has been designed to exceed the requirements of Growing For The Environment Scheme Option 1. Best suited to grazing under rotational management and suited to a wide range of soil types and climates in Wales. A focus on proven varieties and species will ensure successful establishment and performance through the growing season. Designed to persist for 3 Years. Sow between April and Early August for best establishment
Tested Mixture
Organic Available
Excellent Diversity of Rooting Depths and Structure
Soil Structuring and Carbon Sequestration to Depth
Nitrogen Fixation and Scavenging = Reduced Nitrogen Use
Production from Proven Varieties and Species
When Rested will Provide Abundance of Nectar
Improved Mineral and Trace Element Profile
Pack Size
25 KG
Seed Rate |
25kg / hectare pack