
High vigour, early, reliable, , high-yield with excellent feed quality

Sergio is a very uniform three-way cross bred by KWS. Yield and earliness have been consistent across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scandinavia over many seasons. It performed particularly well in the very challenging seasons of 2015 where its impressive vigour and stability gave it a strong advantage. This Trait has resulted in its continued development in more marginal maize growing areas. Sergio showed further adaptability with good performance in the heat and dry of summer 2018 and early 2020.  It combines very high starch content with good cell wall digestibility to produce very high energy silage.



Top vigour
Early grain development
High yield of high ME
Very Stable
Full cob development
Very good disease resistance
Pack Size
50,000 Seeds
Planting method Seed Rate
Precision Drill
40-46,000 Seeds per Acre
Sergio Maize Variety from Field Options Ltd