Endurance II
Long term mixture for dry land
The best Perennial Ryegrasses are adapted to a range of conditions, but the performance of a sward can be enhanced by other species, especially in low fertility situations and dry areas. Endurance II contains a range of species adapted to these soil types and to enhance stock health.
3 Year Trials Results: Endurance II averaged 2.6t DM/hectare/year more than the control Perennial Ryegrass. An extra 400kg lamb/hectare or over 4,000 litres of milk.
Tested Mixture
Organic Available
Endurance II Herbal
Endurance II with Plantain and Chicory to enhance mineral content and drought tolerance of the pasture.
Primarily suited to grazing
Very long growing season
Modern Cocksfoot varieties, with minimal heading after 20th June, are more palatable and less prone to producing tussocks than traditional varieties
Excellent dry season performance
Very good persistence and winter hardiness
Wider mineral profile than Ryegrass dominant mixtures
Pack Size
13.5 kg
Seed Rate |
13.5 kg/acre
33.3 kg/ha