Fodder Mustard
50–70 days to grazing
Mustard is not widely used as fodder, but can produce excellent autumn grazing for cattle, lambs and for flushing ewes. It is easy to grow and much faster to establish than Rape or Stubble Turnips. From late August, it has the potential to produce more dry matter yield than Rape or Turnips and can be available for grazing within seven weeks of sowing. Graze before it is in full flower to optimise palatability and quality. Lamb growth rates can be above 300g/day.
Mustard is not hardy, so should be grazed by the end of November
Seed Treatment Options: U = Untreated
Late Flowering Mustard
One of the latest flowering varieties. It heads 30 days later than most, so remains leafy for much longer.
Seed Treatments
Pack Size
Planting method | Seed Rate |
Conventional and Direct Drill
4 – 5 kg/acre (10 –12.5 kg/ha)
5 – 6 kg/acre (12.5 – 15 kg/ha)