Clampsaver II
Rape, Ryegrass and Berseem Clover Mixture
Improved with Berseem Clover to broaden the nutrition and enhance fertility building. Now with more Italian Ryegrass seed per kg. Sow from April to mid August. Normally ready for grazing 60 days from emergence. Ideal for summer use or for extending autumn–winter grazing. Block graze or strip graze with a back fence. The Rape and Clover die out after 2nd or 3rd grazing, depending on how hard it is grazed. The Italian Ryegrasses do not head in the sowing season and remain palatable and leafy through to the following spring. If it is kept beyond the following April it is better for cutting.
Organic Available
Pack Size
Planting method | Seed Rate |
20.0-25.0kg/ha (8.0-10.0kg/acre)
22.0-27.0 kg/ha (9.0-11.0 kg/acre)