For all Classes of Livestock — Grazing and Lifting
Established, popular variety, Lactimo produces high fresh weight yield of medium dry matter yellow/orange, highly palatable roots. Posseses good seedling vigour and good foliar growth that holds well into winter. Combined with high % of root above ground. Making it the choice for in-situ grazing by sheep and young cattle. Easily harvested by machine or many are now using beet buckets with Lactimo.
Active Boost
11-13% Root Dry Matter
55-60% of Root above Ground
Use: Hand Lifting or Graze
Feeding: Whole or Grazed
Low Dry Matter Yield
High Fresh Yield
Low Dirt Tare
Pack Size
50,000 Seeds
100,000 Seeds
Seed Rate |
42,500-50,000 Seeds/acre
105,000-124,000 Seeds/ha