High Yields of Root for Lifting + Massive Tops — No.1 Beet for Cattle Grazing
Geronimo produces circa. 12% higher dry matter yields than Lactimo. Excellent seedling vigour
and strong tops with good disease resistance to mildew and ramularia. It also benefits from good
resistance to bolting & Rhizomania. Easily harvested by machine or many are now using beet
buckets with Geronimo.
Organic Available
Active Boost
14-16% Root Dry Matter
36-45% of Root above Ground
Use: Graze or Harvested
Feeding: Grazed ,Whole or Chopped
Medium Dry Matter Yield
High Fresh Yield
Cleaner Dirt Tare
Pack Size
50,000 Seeds
100,000 Seeds
Seed Rate |
42,500-50,000 Seeds/acre
105,000-124,000 Seeds/ha