High Vigour - High Yielding - Clean Lifting
Fortimo produces very high yields of medium dry matter red roots. It has excellent early season vigour, highlighted in recent cool springs. It also has strong foliar growth, producing large and distinct red-veined tops. Roots tend to be uniform in size with conical-tankard shape ideally suited to machine harvesting. Fortimo can be grazed but is normally lifted, producing very clean roots.
14-16% Root Dry Matter
36-45% of Root above Ground
Use: Graze or Harvested
Feeding: Grazed ,Whole or Chopped
Medium Dry Matter Yield
Medium Fresh Yield
Low Dirt Tare
Pack Size
50,000 Seeds
100,000 Seeds
Seed Rate |
42,500-50,000 Seeds/acre
105,000-124,000 Seeds/ha