Improved Magnum with Rhizomania Tolerance
Enermax is a uniform, high dry matter beet with high yield potential. From the same breeder as Magnum, they claim slightly higher dry matter yield. It is a dual-purpose variety for fodder or AD use. At a dry matter of ±17–19%, it needs chopping before feeding to livestock. It also grows deeper in the soil than many lower dry matter types, but unlike sugar beet it’s smoother skinned and relatively clean lifting. Enermax is Rhizomania tolerant
17-20% Root Dry matter
26-35% of Root above Ground
Use: Harvest
Feeding: Chopped
High Dry Matter Yield
Low Fresh Yield
Stores Well
High Dirt Tare
Pack Size
50,000 Seeds
100,000 Seeds
Seed Rate |
42,500-50,000 Seeds/acre
105,000-124,000 Seeds/ha